How we have seen lately there are a lot of festivals all around the world with a big variety of dishes.From all this festivals we choose two specific ones,the Dia De Los Muertos and Carnaval de Barranquilla.From this festivals we choose two specific dishes,Pan De Muerto and Arepa De Huevo.We choose these dishes because they are the tradicionals ones of these festivals and are made in  not a very organic,sustainable and eco way so they fit perfectly with our project because we want to know what would happen and what would change in the population that consume these dishes if we make them more organic and also we want to incorporate these dishes in the school menu but with out forgetting our escencial question that is
How can we low the production of non healthy,eco and sustainable food in ALS high school cafeteria?

Resultado de imagen para organic food drawing

But first we have to remember the key concepts of our project that are sustainable and healthy food.


There is no official definition of 'sustainable food,' although some aspects, such as the terms organic or Fairtrade, are clearly defined.
A working definition for good food is that it should be produced, processed, distributed and disposed of in ways that:
    Contribute to local economies and sustainable livelihoods
    Protect the diversity of both plants and animals and the farmed and wild species,
    Avoid damaging or wasting natural resources or contributing to climate change;

Provide social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy products, and educational opportunities


Health food is food marketed to provide human health effects beyond a normal healthy diet required for human nutrition. Foods marketed as health foods may be part of one or more categories, such as natural foods, organic foods, whole foods, vegetarian foods or dietary supplements. These products may be sold in health food stores or in the health food or organic sections of grocery stores.

We are going to start with the arepa de huevo.We are planing in making these dish more organic in the way that we are going to implement  the change of some ingredients or the way they are cook.Like for example avoid the use of reused oil and the use of eggs that have been genetically change or damage, this for being sure that what you are eating is completely  natural and save. Also a great thing that you could do is to use instead of the regular flour use quinoa flour due to the fact that is really rich in proteins, aminoacids and vitamins. But remember that these aspects depends more in your preferences. 

Resultado de imagen para caricatura de una arepa de huevo

With de pan de muerto what we plan for making it more organic is changing the margarine for butter, sugar for light sugar and the normal milk for organic milk and in that way we can make it healthier and even more delicious.

Resultado de imagen para caricatura de pan de muerto

We wanted to modify these dishes because we wanted to prove that we can have a healthy, Sustainable and eco diet using organic ingredients without changing their delicious flavors. This for having a healthier life, a healthier body, and a friendly relation with the environment.

Well for going more profound in this project we realized a survey to 4 persons that are
Cristian Noya,Clemen,Luis Augusto and a nutritionist called Juliana Mejia
All this 3 persons know about organic,sustainable and eco food.
In the survey we had  5 questions that are
1.what do you prefer the organic food or the conventional one  why
2.After knowing all the consequences of the conventional food would you still consuming it why
3.Do you thing the school has an organic or a conventional menu why
4.Would you eat an arepa de huevo and pan de muerto organic why
5.Do you consider that the arepa de huevo and pan de muerto would change their flavor and the essence that make in the people that consums it when we make it in an organic way why?

In the first question  all the people that we interview said they preferred the organic food due to the fact it is healthier of ourselves and our bodies 

In the second question, most of the people we interview said that Aldo they knew that the conventional food is bad for our organisms, unfortunately it is kind of hard to stop eating convectional foods because we are not really accustomed to eat organic ones.

In the third question most people we interview said they thought that the school has a convencional menu because of  all the ingredients and amounts that the school needs to have in order to prepare the foods.

In the fourth question,all people said that they would eat An arepa de huevo and Pan del muerto prepared with organic ingredientes because it will be interesting to eat these delicious dishes in an organic way.

Finally, in the last question, most of te people we interview said that they thought that the flavor of the dishes wouldn’t change and that’s why they will still eat them because it is health for ourselves and it is delicious.

A conclusion of the answers that the people gave us is that an 80% of the people prefer organic food than convectional but is not that easy to stop eating convectional food due to the fact that most of the food we usully eat is conventional. In the third question most of them said that the school has a convectional menu because if we pay attention to that aspect we can notice that the condiments from were the food is bought its not actually organic. In the fourth question all people said that they would accept an organic version of these foods due to the fact that it would be good to try convectional food that we like but now being conscious that is healthy food. And finally people said that the flavor wouldn't change due to the fact the important part of the food wouldn't be totally change and it may be very healthy in comparison of a convenctional one.

So we conclude from this proyect and all the information we have collect from,luis augusto's and julian's speech,from the surveys we have made and the investigations we have realized that is posible to implement and organic,sustainable and eco menu in our school and making it more interesting by applying two dishes from international festivals and carnivals and in that way the school would low the production of non eco,healthy and sustainable dishes because now it would have more organic ones.Also that when making the dishes more organic the people that eat them would still consuming them in the way that if they are more organic it would help more to its body and it would still have a delicious flavor.
